“After graduation Daniel launched a movement ‘Let Freedom Ring!’ - an organisation that uses Training for Transformation (TFT) methods for community organising against social, political and economic ills. He works tirelessly against the resurgence Nazism with young people across Europe. He is an activist against the oppression of the Palestinians. These are just but a few illustrations of Daniel’s moral compass about the meaning of life and freedom. He continues to be one of the most active TFT graduates in Europe.” Ntombi Nyathi, Programme Director, Training for Transformation
One to One mentoring
For all social justice consultations I have a sliding scale per hour -
Corporate / high earners - £200
NGO / Social justice paid workers - £120
Grassroots activists / community workers - £30
Migrants / homeless and vulnerably housed - £10
Please contact me on alright@theglassishalffull.co.uk / @danglassmincer to have a first free chat!
If you would like to book me as a speaker please contact me on the details above or through the fab The Speakers Collective - Specialisms: Activism, leadership, transformation, strategy, movement-building, popular education, critical consciousness, creative joy, LGBTQIA+ empowerment, HIV+, anti-fascism, radical love.
I have been known for high-profile political stunts such as supergluing the former UK Prime Minister demanding climate action or organising HIV anti-stigma classes as part of the anti-fascist 'Beyond UKIP Cabaret' in Nigel Farage's pub. But, behind the scenes, I continue to dedicate my life to transformational leadership supporting a wide range of social justice movements. I am a facilitator with these movements. Get in touch if you are interested in any of the following.
Training for Transformation (TfT) - ‘The educator has the duty of not being neutral’ Paulo Freire
TfT is an education programme that provides activists and educators with the tools, skills and methodology to mobilise and organise self-mobilised communities to fight for justice and equality. Training for Transformation is based on a number of approaches to change. The core of this work is the development of critical consciousness and creativity. See Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed
"Popular Education in our times could be summarised in two words, awakening and humanization. Humanization in essence refers to the individual or collective actions that honour, recognize and respect human dignity. However, it is inevitable to note that transformation begins with the self, enfolds into the family, community, society and the universe.. However, liberation is not carried out for the people but with them. When people organise themselves for change they have the power to transform their reality into a new world. This is the process of humanization." Ntombi Talent Nyathi, Strategic Networking and Resource Mobilisations Officer
Beautiful Trouble - Art-ivism
Baby blimp "giving Trump a taste of his own medicine" says designer Matt Bonner
‘Beautiful Trouble’ is a book, a web toolbox and an international network of extraordinary artist-activist trainers and creative campaigners focused on strengthening their connected social movements through sharing the tactics and techniques of game-changing creative activism.
“The current political moment calls for bold leaps of imagination, new forms of organising and a fearless blend of confrontation and celebration. Beautiful Trouble is a crash course in the emerging field of carnivalesque realpolitik, both elegant and incendiary.” Naomi Klein, author of No Logo & The Shock Doctrine
HIV Activism
How can we create provocative, flamboyant, glamorous, rowdy, insightful, moving, surprising and musical HIV responses to explore and expose the realities of HIV in today’s society? Can we create brilliantly in-your-face activism to stop the HIV ‘Second Silence’ to allow people affected and living with HIV to have a space where they can be themselves and have a voice about their health and lives?
This training offers ideas for combining dance, performance, live music, stunts and spoken word to tell true life stories of people living with and affected by the virus. It encourages strategic and in-depth campaign planning for HIV justice involving workshop ideas, mentoring schemes and direct actions which all help respond to HIV stigma, HIV prevention austerity cuts and the silence around the epidemic. See ideas at ACT UP London
LGBTQIA+ Activism
The LGBTQIA+* community has a rich tradition of creative activism, critical thinking and building movements for social change. The Stonewall Riots, Lesbian Avengers, Outrage, PRIDE, Chi Mgbako and LGBTQI movements across the world today can inspire us all. This talk / training will explore how we can create campaigns to save our LGBTQI spaces, confront homophobic legislation and programmes for equal education, health and support services. People are coming together to cultivate a society that makes it possible for everyone to satisfy their fundamental needs, enhance the quality of our lives and ultimately to provide hope and meaningful social change for our future. This training shares how to make this a reality.
* Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual +